On the pending invoice posting form, there are different dates that may need to be filled. But there are two fields that may be mixed up.
Invoice Date and Posting Date.
-Invoice Date is the date of the real invoice and most of the calculations(cash discount, exchange rates etc.) are using this date. It is optional not to fill this information unless on the parameters it is set to be filled mandatory. (Account payable > Setup > Account payable parameters -> Require document date on vendor invoice)
- Posting Date is the date the transaction is posted to GL. This may differ from the invoice date in many circumstances. For example the invoice may arrive to posting user after the invoice date, period is closed etc. This field is used for calculations if invoice date is not filled. To fill the invoice date is mandatory and it is set to today as default when invoice is created but can be changed before posting.
In some circumstances, users may need to change or bulk change the posting date like the period is closed etc. This usually happens if the invoices wait for WF approval etc. In this case should user need to update the posting dates to the open period?
A Big NO: So what is the solution?
*** Go to Account payable > Setup > Account payable parameters-> Ledger and sales tax tab ->Adjust posting date automatically field , select the change type you want to apply.
Do you want to it be auto changed during posting to today?Not changed? Changed if the period is closed?
But this should be a decision making to be made wisely. While as mentioned, change of this date may change the calculations like due date etc. Especially the exchange rate change can be crucial. So there is a parameter for that also. (Account payable > Setup > Account payable parameters -> Invoice tab -> Update vendor accounting using the invoice date). You can select to change the exchange rate or use the original rate.
For more details , you may use the link below.
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