I would like to open this topic to give a summary information on the need of the landed cost module. This is the module most desired, I believe by the SCM (supply chain management) consultants to manage the inbound operations especially when you try to manage GIT (goods in transit) operations. Now you can manage all the process regarding to the purchasing operations under one module.
For to activate the landed cost module, you need to use feature management and select the landed cost and activate.
In this module, you can estimate costs, use accruals on goods in transit and track voyages.
Not to forget that this module differs from TMS (Transpostaion Management Module) You can use both modules at the same time. You can find the list of differences in this link below but I prefer to use the landed cost module on import operations:
For details on how to setup and use landed cost module, please use the link below for Microsoft documentation:
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